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We Help Resolve

Issues to identify what is bothering you

Stages of life

And It's issues

0 - 3 years


Mainly, mother’s pregnancy and child's birth, are attributed as sources of the problem, all parts of the child’s home is understood

Early Childhood

3 - 6 years

Early Childhood

Physical trauma, unbalanced nutrition, personality and body development mainly get affected

Middle Childhood

6 - 10 years

Middle Childhood

Unhealthy study habits, bullying, body image issues, family instability, issues related to peer group, social environment are mainly causes of the issues


11 - 16 years


Read the details of the stages to understand factors that get influenced

Young Adult

17 - 34 years

Young Adult

Re identification of who we are and what we want. Role of career and lifestyle choices get highlighted, medical issues, social life keeps changing, romantic relations develop, identity crises

Middle Adulthood

35 - 50 years

Middle Adulthood

Stress, physical ailments, work-life balance, accomplishing the goals, parental issues, all aspects of life get influenced by this stage, mid life crisis

Later Adulthood

51 - 65 years

Later Adulthood

Emotional adjustment, coping with change in lifestyle, family, health etc., empty nest syndrome, financial insecurities, dying well

Later Adulthood

Later Adulthood

51 years and above

Emotional adjustment, coping with change in lifestyle, family, health etc., empty nest syndrome, financial insecurities, dying well

Read more about the human development at this stage
Physical Abilities
Mental Activity
Social Life
  1. Energy levels, strength and health start showing some deterioration but still some stay active and healthy

  2. Some aspects of organ functioning declines

  1. Most people are mentally alert

  2. Although there is a slight deterioration in intelligence and memory some learn to cope and comprehend

  1. Retirement offers to explore new interests and opportunities

  2. As people start to learn the meaning of life they also learn to cope with the losses and immediate deaths around them

  3. Searching for the meaning of life assumes central importance and relationship with family and friends can provide important support

  4. Sharp increase in the spiritual quotient is noticeable 

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